RECOMB-seq 2024 Call for Papers

NEW UPDATE: RECOMB-seq 2024 Call for Posters / Short Talks

  • Abstract submission deadline: March 26, 2024 at 23:59 AoE
  • Authors will be notified shortly after submission

Regular abstracts describing original work, including software applications. These will be considered for short oral presentations or posters. A 1-2 page abstract describing the methods and key results should be submitted via the EasyChair system. Please include “[Posters / Short talks]” at the end of the abstract title.

In EasyChair, please select “RECOMB-seq 2024” track when you click “New Submission” in the “author” portal within the RECOMB conference at (It is the same track with Proceedings/Overlay submissions.)

RECOMB-seq 2024 Call for Papers

The 14th RECOMB Satellite Conference on Biological Sequence Analysis (RECOMB-seq 2024) will be held on 27-28 April 2024 in Boston, USA, just before the main RECOMB conference. The conference brings together leading researchers in computational genomics and genomic biology. The emphasis will be on new algorithmic and statistical methods for the analysis, management, inference, and interpretation of sequencing data as well as assembled genomes.

Topics of Interest (including but not limited to)

  • Sequence alignment and assembly
  • Summarization, comparison, and visualization of big genomics datasets
  • Multiple alignment and consensus sequence construction
  • Methods for calling and characterizing genetic variants, including structural variants
  • Methods for analysis of RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) data, including single-cell RNA-seq
  • Epigenetics and gene regulation, including ChIP-seq analysis, methylation profiling, and histone modification
  • Metagenomics
  • Methods for analysis of data from other novel sequencing assays
  • Translational applications of sequencing data, including cancer genomics and infectious disease
  • Pan-genomics, genome graphs, and novel uses of new genome assemblies

Key Dates

Proceedings and Overlay tracks

  • Abstract registration deadline: February 06, 2024 at 23:59 AoE
  • Submission deadline: February 13, 2024 at 23:59 AoE (updates to existing registered abstracts only)
  • Author notification: March 12, 2024

Short talks / Posters (please see “NEW UPDATE” at the top of this page)

  • Abstract submission deadline: March 26, 2024 at 23:59 AoE
  • Authors will be notified shortly after submission


We solicit contributions in three categories (“tracks”) as follows.

Proceedings Track

Manuscripts describing original work on computational aspects of genomic research involving large genomic datasets. Manuscripts in this track will be considered for publication in a special issue of the journal iScience. At the time of submission, and for the entire review period, the work should not be under review by any other conference or scientific journal. In some rare cases, manuscripts may be deemed to not be suitable for iScience after review but still invited for an oral presentation at RECOMB-seq. In this case, authors will be required to post their manuscripts on a public preprint server (bioRxiv, arXiv, etc.) prior to the conference.

To indicate your submission should be considered for the proceedings track, please include “[Proceedings]” at the end of the paper title.

Overlay Track

Manuscripts submitted to this track will be reviewed by the program committee, and selected submissions will be invited for oral presentation. The manuscript should be hosted on a public preprint server (bioRxiv, arXiv, etc.) at the time of submission. There are no specific formatting requirements, but the paper should generally be formatted in a way that emphasizes the methodological contributions. We also encourage authors to keep the manuscripts within similar length limits as for the proceedings track. Manuscripts can be submitted elsewhere at the same time but should not be published or in press at the time of submission. For manuscripts that are in press or published, please consider the Highlights track of the main RECOMB conference.

To indicate your submission should be considered for the overlay track, please include “[Overlay]” at the end of the paper title.

Abstracts for short talks or posters

Regular abstracts describing original work, including software applications. These will be considered for short oral presentations or posters. A 1-2 page abstract describing the methods and key results should be submitted via the EasyChair system.

Partnership with iScience

All submissions to the proceedings track will be simultaneously considered for publication in a special issue of the journal iScience if the authors agree. iScience is an open-access journal published by Cell Press for original research in the life, physical, and earth sciences.

In addition to the program committee of RECOMB-seq, editors of iScience will evaluate the proceedings-track papers for biological impact and suitability for publication. In particular, the following criteria will be used to evaluate the biological relevance:

  • Can inputs be found through experiments?
  • Can outputs be used directly in future experiments or analyses?
  • Can outputs be obtained through a well-established methodology for less cost?
  • Is the methodology proposed applicable in useful settings?
  • Do biological data support the study?
  • Is biological variability sufficiently accounted for?

Authors who do not wish their manuscript to be considered for iScience should use the overlay track for submission. Publication in iScience is subject to an Open Access charge of approximately $1500 (a 50% discounted rate for the conference proceedings). Reduced Open Access charges for authors in developing countries and others in financial hardship are available.

Paper and Abstract Submission Procedures

Manuscripts for the “proceedings track” should not exceed 10 pages using at least 10-point font on U.S. standard 8 1/2 by 11-inch paper with no less than one-inch margin all around. This excludes the cover page and references. The cover page should have the title, the corresponding author’s email address, and the abstract. An optional short appendix can be included if necessary, but reading it will be at the discretion of the program committee. Manuscripts must be submitted electronically in PDF format via the EasyChair system.

In EasyChair, please select “RECOMB-seq 2024” track when you click “New Submission” in the “author” portal within the RECOMB conference at

An author of each accepted paper and abstract is expected to attend the workshop and present the work.

Special handling of papers submitted to RECOMB 2024

If you would like to submit a paper rejected by RECOMB 2024 main conference to RECOMB-seq, you have the option to transfer your reviews. In that case, please submit by the regular deadline and include in your submission a Cover Letter that includes the reviews received from RECOMB together with a rebuttal addressing the concerns raised by the reviewers. The submitted manuscript should also be modified according to the reviews, or provide an explanation of why modifications are unnecessary. All reviews will be treated confidentially and will only be visible to the PC members. Note that authors of papers rejected by RECOMB 2024 main conference may also submit their papers without transferring their reviews if they wish to do so.